
1.  "Charper!"  The word "charper" is the Polari word for "to seek."  So, you're asking, what is Polari?  Polari is the name given to a sort of "secret language" that was (and still is) spoken by gays in the UK starting in the early 20th century.  If you've used words like "ogle" or "zhoosh" (a favorite of Carson on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy") then you've spoken Polari.  Find out more from the Wikipedia entry or buy the book Fantabulosa: A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang from amazon.com.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Manchester, UK, are frequent users of Polari and have even created a very camp version of the King James Bible that you can read online at http://www.thesisters.demon.co.uk/bible/  (this is NOT for anyone easily offended).

2.  What is the purpose of this site?  We're here to help you find what you seek.  Gay and gay-friendly businesses that don't take your money for granted.  We plan to keep all the information as current as possible (nothing worse than a "stale" web site that hasn't been updated in 4 years) and as useful as possible (easy to find what you want). 

3.  How does it work?  When you want to find a gay/gay-friendly product or service (anything from A to Z) we'll provide an easy-to-use, comprehensive search engine.  You are what makes it really work well.  A big part of the site will be your input.  We want you to come here and share your opinions on these businesses.  How well were you treated as a customer?  Actively participating business owners will be vital to the site and in return the site hopes to help our listed businesses get more customers.  We want this to be a win/win situation for everyone.

4.  What does it cost?  Nothing.  All key services for customers and businesses are free.  But if your business wants premium exposure we will gladly sell you advertising space targeted to your market.

5.  Why can't I find businesses near me?  We're very young, just started June 24, 2010 with listing for the Twin Cities, Minnesota. We're still taking baby steps. We're adding new listings as fast as we can. Registered members can add new records to our list and enter reviews of businesses already listed. Join today (it's free) and help us grow.